Electrolysis is a course of treatment that permanently removes hair growth when performed by a registered, skilled and experienced electrolysist.
Electrolysis permanent hair removal has the longest known track record together with the most effective results for permanent hair removal. Dr Charles Michel first used it successfully in 1875 to remove ingrown eyelashes. He discovered that once the follicle had been treated with electrolysis the hair was permanently destroyed.
For over 100 years, electrolysis has been recognised as a safe, reliable method of treating all skin and hair types. Many new treatments for hair reduction or non-permanent hair removal have emerged over the years; electrolysis has remained the only treatment to achieve permanent and complete eradication of unwanted hair when performed by a skilled, experienced practitioner.
For those who seek complete and permanent hair removal on any part of the body, regardless of skin tone or hair colour, there remains only one method that is approved by the British Medical Association – electrolysis.
There are 3 methods of electrolysis to choose from in order to tailor your treatment to your skin type and reaction, and all 3 are capable of permanently removing hair. They are:
Thermolysis (is also called diathermy or RF diathermy in some countries).
The Blend
​People seeking permanent hair removal often do so due to medical or health reasons, and many choose electrolysis to achieve a permanently groomed look. For example: bearded men. Our members are competent and confident to work with clients according to their individual needs and medical conditions that bring about unwanted hair growth.
Hair removal for women
Hair removal for men
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects women and how their ovaries work. Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome include irregular periods, excessive hair growth, usually on the face, chest, back or buttocks, and difficulty getting pregnant. There is no cure for PCOS, but the symptoms can be treated. Speak to your GP if you think you may have the condition. Superfluous hair growth on the face, chest, back, arms or elsewhere can be successfully and safely permanently removed by electrolysis. It is a common misconception that women with PCOS cannot be helped because their hormonal imbalance will cause the hair to grow back. This is incorrect and thousands of women can testify that committing to regular treatments over 12-18 months results in the permanent removal of all actively growing hair. Any new hair growth that a hormonal imbalance would stimulate is minimal and can be controlled with annual or bi-annual touch ups.
The menopause is the time that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive stage. This is when a woman stops having periods and is no longer able to get pregnant naturally. The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen levels decline. In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. But around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age. This is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency. Many post-menopausal women find that their hair just won’t grow like it used to. The hair on their scalp thins, while the chin or upper lip sprouts patches of peach fuzz. Just like men, women have hair follicles all over their faces. However, for most women, these follicles grow tiny, soft hairs that are barely noticeable. During menopause, a woman’s body stops circulating oestrogen but continues to circulate testosterone. The imbalance of hormones causes the appearance of some male secondary sex characteristics, like coarsening of facial hair. However, sudden onset of rapid facial and body hair growth might signal a more serious medical condition and should be reported to the GP for investigation. In every case, electrolysis can help permanently remove menopausal hair growth and control the development of new coarse hair by removing it at an early stage. The beauty of this method is that we can treat only the affected hairs instead of aggravating the whole area.
Pilonidal sinuses
A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin that may get filled with debris or hair, get infected and form an abscess. It occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. It is common in runners, cyclists and people carrying out activities that would cause excessive friction in that area. Sometimes a person may have multiple sinuses that connect under the skin. Permanent hair removal in the affected area is recommended as it reduces the chances of new abscesses forming.​
Paradoxical hypertrichosis (laser-stimulated hair growth)
Paradoxical hypertrichosis is new or heavier growth of fine, dark hair in treated areas or untreated areas close to the area treated more frequently affecting those with darker skin (Fitzpatrick III-VI) and darker hair colour, and most associated with those having undergone the intense pulsed light and long-pulse laser. Common areas prone to stimulated hair growth are the face, neck, chest, back and upper arms in women, and back and upper arms in men. This phenomenon is not well understood, although explanations include the activation of dormant hair follicles by the intense pulse light flash lamp and the synchronisation of hair growth cycles caused by direct light stimulation. Stimulated by IPL or laser hair growth does not reduce with further treatment and the only option for permanently removing it is by electrolysis.
Gender dysphoria (PreGRS and facial, NHS and BUPA)
Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life. There is some support available though the NHS for patients with gender dysphoria and the BIAE works closely with the CCG groups providing specialised permanent hair removal services prior to gender surgery or for facial feminisation.​ It is useful to have a numbing cream that can be prescribed by your GP to help facilitate this type of hair removal. Hair removal for donor sites prior to phalloplasty FTM
Ingrown hairs (eyelashes, beard, groin area)
Ingrown hairs are hairs that curl inside the skin instead of pushing through to the surface. They can cause serious problems when they are in a sensitive area like the eyelashes, or significant amount of discomfort when the site becomes infected and forms a cyst. The ability of electrolysis to treat a single hair at a time and the fact that the energy is limited to the specific area around the probe tip allows it to be used in intricate areas like the eyes safely.​
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