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BIAE Application Form
You must complete the following information in as much detail as possible.
All information is strictly confidential and will not be shared with third parties.
* Required fields
Electrolysis Qualification Details
You must upload a copy of your qualification certificate/s.
(Please select the correct Upload type, eg Images or Documents)
It is a minimum requirement that you have 90 hours practical experience before taking the BIAE assessment
Your chosen method of modality
Machine must be PAT tested and show in date. For machines less than one year old, proof of purchase will be required
You must upload a copy of your insurance certificate/s.
(Please select the correct Upload type, eg Images or Documents)
Have you ever had an insurance claim against you upheld, concerning your standard or professional expertise or health & safety of staff on your premises?
Do you have a physical disability or learning difficulties, ie Dyslexia?
All Applicants
The evidence that I have submitted is a true and honest account of my professional experience as an electrolysist.
I apply for admission to the British Institute & Association of Electrolysis (BIAE) and undertake, if so admitted, and so long as I remain a member of the BIAE, to observe and abide by the rules and regulations of the BIAE for the time being in force and to endeavour to further its objects.
Applications must be completed and submitted to the BIAE, 8 weeks in advance of the next date of assessment.
Confirmation of date of next assessment will be advised upon receipt of an application.
Following receipt of the application form, candidate must attend for assessment within 12 months. Failure to do so will result in a candidate forfeiting their fee and having to re-apply.
All assessment packages are inclusive of a BIAE revision manual. Annual membership not included - fee payable on a pro rata basis at the time of joining. Option to pay membership by monthly Direct Debit instalments are available.
CPD - All professional health bodies require their members to update and expand their knowledge and skills to give the best to their clients. CPD is compulsory under Voluntary Self-Regulation and in support of this the BIAE requires its members to complete 10 CPD points per year for practitioner levels of membership.
In applying for membership of the BIAE members are agreeing to abide by the contents of this code and any amendments that may be made in future. Failure to do so may result in termination of membership.
Online payment is preferable. You can also pay via the following means:
CHEQUE - Payable to BIAE Ltd
CARD - Contact the BIAE office on 07547 355034
BACS - Account No: 40658995, Sort Code: 20-53-97, Account Name: BIAE Ltd (please use your name as a reference)
Paying online is easy. Select the 'Add to Cart' button for the required membership, complete payment and add your
Order No Reference below. Click Submit at the bottom of the page to complete your application.
All fees paid are non-refundable
All fees paid are non-refundable
Assessment Only = £200.00
Practical Re-Assessment = £125.00
Theory Retake = £50.00
Booster Training Session = £80.00
Per Hour + Travelling Expenses
Past Assessment Paper = £5.00
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Your application has been submitted.
We will be in touch as soon as your details have been verified.
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